Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200Success (no action needed)
400Bad request, typically due to missing customer id, verification id not found, or invalid enum value
422Invalid SSN length (needs to be 9 digits for SSN lookup). Invalid bank account number length (must be at least 5 digits).
404No device found for a specific sessionKey (typically for devices API).
401Check your API authorization credentials.
500Internal server error. Retry according to the retry mechanism section below. Also reach out to Sardine support to let us know.
504Timeout error when fetching data from a third-party. Retry according to the retry mechanism section below. Also reach out to Sardine support to let us know.

Retry Mechanism

Sardine recommends that if you encounter a 5XX status code or timeout, that you retry using Exponential Backoff And Jitter up to 3 times.

Below is pseudo code for calculating wait for retry.

var baseIntervalMs = 300;
var maxRandomIntervalMs = 100;

func getWaitTimeMs() {
  if (retryCount > 3) {
    return "no retry"
  return (baseIntervalMs * 2^retryCount) + randomNumberBetween(0, maxRandomIntervalMs);