Email Codes

DCOThe email domain country is considered to be risky
DDNThe email domain does not exist in our email data provider’s registry (note: this domain might still have valid DNS record)
DHCThe email domain is considered to be high risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the category type of the company the email is tied to
DHIThe email domain is considered to be high risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the transaction industry it has been previously tied to (e.g. Banking / Finance, Gaming…)
DHNThe email domain is considered to be high risk across our data provider’s network based on their proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
DHRThe email domain is considered to be high risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the company the email owner is tied to
DLCThe email domain is considered to be low risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the category type of the company the email is tied to
DLRThe email domain is considered to be low risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
DMRThe email domain is considered to be medium risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
DNCThe email domain was created within the last 4 months
DRCThe email domain is tied to a category type (e.g. banking, webmail…) with high fraud rates
DRDThe email domain is considered to be risky for the Sardine network based on our data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
DRRThe email domain is considered to be risky based on our data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
DVCThe email domain is considered to be very high risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the company the email owner is tied to
DVIThe email domain is considered to be very high risk based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history) for the transaction industry it has been previously tied to (e.g. Banking / Finance, Gaming…)
DVNThe email domain is considered to be very high risk across our data provider’s network based on their proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
E2YThe email address was created within the last 2 years
E4YThe email address was created more than 4 years ago
EA4The email address was created within the last 4 months
EA6The email address was created within the last 6 months
EAMThe email address was created within the last month
EAWThe email address was created within the last week
EAYThe email address was created within the last year
EDNThe email address does not exist
EECMultiple email addresses with similar handle patterns were recently queried at our email data provider for the company the email owner is tied to
EEIMultiple email addresses with similar handle patterns were recently queried at our email data provider for the transaction industry it has been previously tied to (e.g. Banking / Finance, Gaming…)
EF1The email address was confirmed as fraudulent to our email data provider by 1 of their customers
EF2The email address was confirmed as fraudulent to our email data provider by 2 of their customers
EF3The email address was confirmed as fraudulent to our email data provider by 3 or more of their customers
EFBThe email address mailbox is full (i.e. the owner has exceeded allowable capacity of email service
EFOThe email address was confirmed as fraudulent by you or another Sardine customer
EG1The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 1 of their customers
EG2The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 2 of their customers
EG3The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 3 of their customers
EG4The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 4 of their customers
EG5The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 5 of their customers
EG6The email address was confirmed as good to our email data provider by 6 or more of their customers
EHRThe email address has high probability of being associated to fraud due to multiple risk factors based on our email data provider’s proprietary algorithm (e.g. validaty, age, fraud history)
EISThe email address syntax is not valid
ELHThe email address may have been created recently. Limited historical data was found.
ELLThe email address is linked to a low risk LinkedIn account (based on the account’s number of connections and posting activity)
ELSThe email address is linked to a low risk social media account (based on the account’s number of connections and posting activity) - e.g. Facebook, Yahoo, Pandora…
ELTThe email address is linked to a low risk Twitter account (based on the account’s number of connections and posting activity)
EMEThe email address mailbox existed in the past and is no longer available
EMFThe email address was confirmed as suspected fraud multiple times across our email data provider’s customer network
EMIThe email address mailbox is no longer active
ENNThe email address handle contains numeric patterns
ENPNo email address was provided for risk assessment
ERSThe email address syntax follows patterns that have been found to be associated to fraud
ES4The email address was first seen at least 4 years ago
ESFThe email address was confirmed as suspected fraud once across our email data provider’s customer network
ESYThe email address was first seen at least 1 year ago
ETADifferent variations of the email address which points to the same inbox were recently queried. For instance, if was queried before, then will be considered as tumbled.
EV3The email address has been queried in a short amount of time to our email data provider by 3 of their customers
EV4The email address has been queried in a short amount of time to our email data provider by 4 of their customers
EVHThe email address has been queried in a short amount of time to our email data provider by more than 4 of their customers
EDPDisposable email domain
EDIInvalid email domain
SEERError from email enrichment provider. This includes error due to invalid input. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to error.
TLAExpected level of activity for this email address over the last 24-hours.
TLBExpected level of activity for this email address over the past 90 days.
TLCSignificant activity for this email address to or from risky services over the last 24 hours (Risky Service are specialized services handling transactions with numbers that are judged more likely to be malicious).
TLDSignificant activity on this email address to or from risky services over the last 90 days (Risky Service are specialized services handling transactions with numbers that are judged more likely to be malicious).
TLEMore than expected activity for this email address over the last 24-hours.
TLFMore than expected activity for this email address over the past 90 days.
TLGVery significant activity for this email address to or from risky services over the last 24 hours (Risky Service are specialized services handling transactions with numbers that are judged more likely to be malicious).
TLHVery significant activity on this email address to or from risky services over the last 90 days (Risky Service are specialized services handling transactions with numbers that are judged more likely to be malicious).
TLIVery high volume of risk scoring traffic on this email address over the past 24 hours.
TLJVery high volume of risk scoring traffic on this email address over the past 90 days.
TLKBehavior pattern that suggests this email address is being used by a software program.
TLNThis email address is invalid and could not have been used by a genuine end user.
TLOThis email address may have originated from a service providing temporary email addresses; these temporary addresses can be used to conceal the identity of the end user.

Bank Codes

BVOVThe bank account is open and valid. We verified this information using the routing number and account number.

Note: Reason for the codes BVOV and BANI being returned at the same time. This can occur because BVOV is a verification check (account open and valid) and BANI is an authentication check (no ownership record found for this account). So in some cases both these codes can be returned at the same time indicating that the account is open and valid but we could not find ownership records for it.
BVCIThe bank account is either closed, invalid, or in a negative status. We verified this information using the routing number and account number.
BVDRLThe bank account is either ineligible for a debit activity or has a high probability of return. We verified this information using the routing number and account number.
BVONIWe could not verify the routing number and account number for this bank account. We verified this information using the routing number and account number provided by our bank data provider.
BAOMThe bank account owner’s information matches the information provided. We verified this information using the first name and last name or the business name.
BAONMThe bank account owner’s information does not match with the information provided. We verified this information using the first name and last name or the business name.
BANIOur bank data provider could not authenticate this bank account since they could not find any information about this bank account.

Note: Reason for the codes BVOV and BANI being returned at the same time. This can occur because BVOV is a verification check (account open and valid) and BANI is an authentication check (no ownership record found for this account). So in some cases both these codes can be returned at the same time indicating that the account is open and valid but we could not find ownership records for it.
BVSNIThe bank account is not verified by the participant bank. This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSCUThe bank account is closed as a result of unacceptable (bad-behavior) use by the customer. This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSCRThe bank account is removed from the contributor’s master account file and it will be retained by the bank data provider until it is reissued by the contributor. This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider. Note: Here, the contributor is the financial institution that is sending data to our bank data provider.
BVSDAThe bank account is not set up for any debit activity. You cannot transfer or remove money from this account. This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSCCThe bank account is closed and removed from the Contributor’s source. This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSCPThe bank account is closed in the last processing cycle.This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSDBThe bank account has a history of available balance being negative (or in overdraft). This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSIAThe bank account provided is not a demand deposit account (non-DDA account). This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BVSHRThe bank account has a high probability of getting an ACH return. This data was provided by an external third-party bank data provider.
BLIARProbably an invalid account number or routing number. We verified this information using the routing number and account number.
BOBAONMBank account owner information does not match with the information provided. We verified this information using the first name and last name provided by an open banking data provider.
BVSUCThe bank data provider performed the verification of this account. This doesn’t mean the verification was successful, it just means we received some data from the data provider. Please see other reason codes for the results of the verification.
BVERRBank data provider error. The bank data provider returned an error while trying to retrieve the bank account information.
BVEDPTBank data provider timeout. The bank data provider timed out while trying to retrieve the bank account information.
BVEDIOThe bank data provider returned an error indicating that invalid owner information was submitted. This typically means data quality errors, where the input cannot be processed, for example, strange letters or symbols. This can be due to incorrect first name or last name for personal bank accounts or incorrect business name for business bank accounts.
BVEIBSThe bank data provider returned an error indicating that the account number and routing number had invalid lengths. This can be due to incorrect account number or routing number or user error while entering numbers.
BAOMPBank account owner’s information is partially matched. We verified this information by using first name and last name or the business name.
BANEWThe bank account is open and valid. But, it has been open less than the first billing cycle(less than 30 days).
BALOWTThe bank account is open and valid. But, it was opened recently (between 30 and sixty days).
BAMEDTThe bank account is open and valid. It has a medium tenure (between 60 and 180 days).
BALNGTThe bank account is open and valid. The bank account has a long tenure (greater than 180 days).
BPHMThe bank account owner’s phone number matches the information provided by the bank data provider.
BPHNOMThe bank account owner’s phone number doesn’t match the information provided by the bank data provider.
BDOBMThe bank account owner’s date of birth (DOB) matches the information provided by the bank data provider.
BDOBNOMThe bank account owner’s date of birth (DOB) doesn’t match the information provided by the bank data provider.
BTAXMThe bank account owner’s SSN or Tax ID matches the information provided by the bank data provider.
BTAXNOMThe bank account owner’s SSN or Tax ID doesn’t match the information provided by the bank data provider.
BADDRMThe bank account owner’s address matches the information provided by the bank data provider.
BADDRNOMThe bank account owner’s address doesn’t match the information provided by the bank data provider.
BEMAILMThe bank account owner’s email address matches the information provided by the bank data provider.
BEMAILNOMThe bank account owner’s email address doesn’t match the information provided by the bank data provider.
BACVSTThe bank account is closed and invalid. It was closed less than 30 days ago.
BACSTThe bank account is closed and invalid. It was closed between 30 and 60 days ago.
BACMTThe bank account is closed and invalid. It was closed between 60 and 180 days ago.
BACLTThe bank account is closed and invalid. It was closed more than 180 days ago.
BNIFThe bank data provider did not find any information about the bank. This could be because our provider doesn’t have data for this bank.
BENIWe were unable to retrieve bank information for the routing number, even though we have a high success rate of retrieving information for that specific bank from our bank data provider.

Phone Codes

PACSome empty address fields where completed through address normalization for the address match check
PAUThe address provided in the request is an undeliverable address
PBAThe address provided in the request is a business address
PCFThe address provided in the request matches the address of a U.S.correctional facility
PCNThe first and last name provided in the request are combined in one field
PDAThe address provided in the request is a dual address (e.g. 123 Main St PO Box 99)
PDIThe phone record data has a death indicator (i.e. it has been identified as that person having died)
PDTThe phone record data retrieval timed out
PFNA family name was found and used in the name matching calculation
PHRThe address provided in the request is for a high-rise (i.e. contains apartment or building sub-units)
PIAThe address provided in the request is inactive (e.g. new developments may have addresses but will be ‘inactive’ until somebody moves in. Or, after Hurricane Katrina, addresses in the affected area were marked as inactive for a time.)
PLAThe address provided in low tenure
PMAThe address provided in the request is tied to multiple active addresses (e.g. the address might be missing a suite or apartment number)
PMIThe address provided in the request is a military address
PNAThe address provided in the request is valid and has been normalized prior to calculating the match score
PNCThere is no name and address information associated with the phone number provided
PNDThere is no network status information associated with the phone number provided
PNMThe phone number provided is not a mobile line type
PNNA nickname was found and used in the name matching calculation (e.g. Bill matches with William)
PNOThe phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address), and a newer ownership or association has recently been connected to the phone number
PNPThe phone number provided is a non-personal business line
PNSThe first and last name provided were swapped compared to the phone number records
PNUThe phone number provided has been updated
PODThe ownership match for the provided phone number was found prior to a disconnect date
POLThe phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for more than 90 days (long tenure)
POOThe phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address), and the ownership or association to this phone number was not recent, however, there is no known, newer ownership or association found, a.k.a., the ownership is ‘older’.
POSThe phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for between 8 and 90 days (short tenure)
POUThe phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for an unknown amount of time (unknown tenure)
POVThe phone number provided has been matched with the identity information (e.g. name, address) for less than 7 days (very short tenure)
PP3The postal code provided matches the first 3 digits of the address on record for this phone number
PP5The postal code provided matches the first 5 digits of the address on record for this phone number
PP6The postal code provided matches the first 6 digits of the address on record for this phone number (Canadian phone numbers only)
PP9The postal code provided matches the first 9 digits of the address on record for this phone number
PPMThe address provided is associated with a Private Mailbox operator (e.g. UPS Store)
PPNThe provided mobile phone number is not active (available for most carriers with consent)
PPOThe address provided is a PO Box
PPTThe provided phone number is currently in a ported state. Any number not currently on its original home carrier will have a PPT reason code. This is NOT indicative of a recent carrier port.
PPVA successful person search verification was run for the provided phone number
PR1The number of identities associated with the phone number has exceeded our phone data provider’s suggested limit. This could be an indication of a higher risk of fraudulent activity.
PRAThe address provided resulted in a better match than the normalized address
PRLThe provided phone number is associated with a high-risk line type (Non-Fixed VoIP or Prepaid MVNO) - (available for most carriers with consent)
PRMThe provided phone number identity matching was only based on raw user data
PS1The person identity matched has multiple unique SSNs. This can indicate a higher risk of the identity being synthetic.
PS2The person identity matched has multiple DOB records. This can indicate a higher risk of the identity being synthetic.
PS3The person identity matched has a high number of relatives with the same/similar name. This may indicate the identity is synthetic.
PS4The person identity matched has a SSN issued prior to either the submitted DOB or the selected person identity’s DOB (if no DOB was submitted). This can indicate a higher risk of the identity being synthetic.
PUVThe address provided could not be verified
PVAThe address provided is vacant (i.e. unoccupied in the past 90 days)
PXDNo driver’s license data available to match to submitted driver’s license parameters
TAANot enough activity or attributes to classify the transaction as either risky or trustworthy
TABTrustworthy category based on past behavior
TACMost trustworthy category based on past behavior
TADRisky category based on past behavior
TAEHigh-risk category based on past behavior
TAFHighest-risk category based on past behavior
TAGThis number has risky static attributes (like VOIP phone type or being on a blocklist) -
TBAMuch less than expected activity, or none at all, for this number over the past 90 days. Cannot classify.
TBBMore than expected activity for this number over the past 90 days.
TBCMore than expected activity for this number over the last 24 hours.
TBDExpected activity for this number over the past 90 days.
TBEExpected activity for this number over the last 24 hours.
TBFSparse, regular volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 90 days.
TBGContinuous, regular volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 90 days.
TBHVery high volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 90 days.
TBIVery high volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this number over the past 24 hours.
TBJVery low volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network, or none at all, was ever observed on this number.
TBKLow volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our networkon this phone number over the past 90 days.
TBNLow volume of phone risk scoring traffic across our network on this phone number over the past 24 hours. Very low volume of phone risk scoring traffic, or none at all over the past 90 days.
TBOLess than expected activity for this number.
TCAVery little activity, or none at all, for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days. Also returned if the number does not belong to a risky range.
TCBSome activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TCCSignificant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours.
TCDSignificant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TCEVery significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours.
TCFVery significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TCGExtremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TCHExtremely significant activity for a risky range that this number belongs to over the last 24 hours.
TDASignificant activity on this number to or from risky services over the past 90 days.
TDBVery significant activity on this number to or from risky services over the past 90 days.
TDCBehavior pattern that suggests this number is being used by a bot. Although we expect a submitted number engaged in A2P traffic to communicate with automated systems, we don’t expect the user of that number to be an automated system.
TDDPhone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days.
TDEPhone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours.
TDFHigh volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days.
TDGHigh volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours.
TDHPhone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TDIPhone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours.
TDJHigh volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TDKHigh volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours.
TDLVery high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 90 days.
TDMVery high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on this number over the past 24 hours.
TDNVery high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 90 days.
TDOVery high volume of phone risk scoring traffic on risky services on the range this number belongs to over the past 24 hours.
TDPExtremely high volume of phone risk scoring traffic in a very short period (less than 1 hour) on the range this number belongs to.
TMAThis number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 1 day.
TMBThis number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 7 days.
TMCThis number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 15 days.
TNAThis number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 1 month.
TNBThis number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 2 months.
TNCThis number was seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 3 months.
TOAThis number was not seen in phone risk scoring traffic in the last 3 months.
TKAThis is a premium number.
TKBThis is a VOIP number.
TKCThis is a toll-free number.
TKDThis is an invalid number.
TKHThis number is associated with a payphone.
TKIThis is a voicemail number.
TKJThis number is associated with a pager.
TKKThis number has another phone type that is risky, and that is not covered by any of the other number_type reason codes.
TKLThis number is associated with a very risky carrier.
TKMThis number is associated with a risky carrier.
TKNThis number has a risky prefix.
TKOThis number is invalid because it is too long, even after the application of cleansing rules.
TKPThis number has been flagged as a source of fraud. Intelligence always recommends to block this number.
TKQThe country code of this number is for a risky country, one that originates a disproportionate share of fraud attacks.
TKRThis number is used for special technical purposes by telecom companies, such as for roaming.
TKSTelesign reserved this number for use by customers with our applications (for example to send verification messages), but it appears that it is being used for a different purpose.
TKUThis number is too short to be a valid phone number.

Behavior Codes

BBEKExpert Key usage detected
BBAFAutoFill detected in LTM (longterm-memory) Fields
BBCPCopy Paste detected in LTM fields
SCMScam or social engineering

Identity Codes

INMIdentity mismatch between Onboarding and Sardine’s ID data partners
BAMIdentity mismatch between Onboarding and Sardine’s bank data partners
BPMIdentity mismatch between Onboarding and Sardine’s bank data partners

Document Verification Codes

AUTThe authentication tests passed.
AUFAt least one authentication test failed.
AUDAt least one authentication test was indecisive.
ASSAuthentication tests were done only on a single side.
EXOBecause of no authentication tests are applicable for the detected document type
EXDData extraction only by client request.
DEXThe document is expired.
LQIQuality of the document image is low.
ANPSome authenticity checks were not performed.
MPNThe pages of the multi-page document do not match.
RMCPrimary result has changed based on risk management configuration.
PRDThe processing request was rejected.
DNRThe document was not recognized.
MQIMultiple quality issues prevent data extraction and authentication.
NIDNon-ID document.
PIQThe request has been denied due to poor image quality.
BLDThe document is in block-list.
BFDThe document is in flagged list.
SSIThe second side is expected to this supported ID.
SSDThe second side is not supported on this ID.
SSNThe second side was ignored due to irrelevancy.
BQIBarcode was expected for this document but could not be extracted due to quality issues.
BDIBarcode was expected for this document but could not be decoded.
MDCManual review is triggered due to a predefined customer rule
MDDDocument was processed by Manual review.
MCDManual review detected two images on the same file.
MICManual review detected incomplete document.
MFDManual review failed to recognize document or language.
MBWManual review detected black and white image.
MSIPrimary Result was altered due to the mandatory second side rule.
DLDManual review detected destroyed language or document.
DNEDocument recognized
MSNManual inspection service is not available.
MSTManual inspection service timeout exceeded.
MDQManual inspection daily quota exceeded.
DFGDocument is forged
DFIDocument’s forged check was indecisive
FMSDocument mismatch with selfie
DIUDocument information doesn’t match with user-provided information
SDCLow risk ID document verification result

TaxID Codes

SDPSubject reported deceased
SSFSubject has placed a security freeze on their SSN file
SACCurrent Address Conflict
SAFAddress First Reported < 90 Days
ANOCurrent Address Not On-file
SDVSSN Issue Date Cannot Be Verified
FEMThe age of the consumer is younger than the issue date of the SSN
IAWFAddress Reported Associate With Business Higher Potential Fraud Activity
IAWBAddress Reported Associate With Business
ANMSSN used is more closely associated with another consumer
AAMThe SSN provided is not a valid number as reported by the SSA
ARFAddress Reported with past Fraud
OAFOn-File Address Reported Associate With Business Higher Potential Fraud Activity
OABOn-File Address Reported Associate With Business
OARFOn-File Address Reported with past Fraud
SOPBest On-File SSN Recorded As Deceased
SODBest On-File SSN Issue Date Cannot Be Verified
PAIAll trades are bankcard trades with phone-address inconsistencies in non-credit data verification
INOInput SSN does not match on-file SSN
DDADifferent DOB (age) than past application linked to the current applicant
SNAInput SSN exact match to at least one other but input name and address not connected
SNVNew credit profile with unverifiable SSN or address matches to a different name in non-credit data
TIQMore than 2 inquiries with the same name and address in the last 28 days
MAIMultiple address inconsistencies in last 7 days and SSN seen with different phones in last 90 days
SPNMSSN seen with different phone more than 15 times in last 90 days or input phone does not match on-file phone at least twice in last 90 days
NASMName and address seen multiple times in last 90 days with different SSN
PSMTPhone seen multiple times in last 90 days with different last names
MFSIMultiple Fraud Shield indicators triggered or unverifiable SSN
PDNVOne or more PII data elements not verified
TMIQToo many inquires in last 90 days where name and address don’t match best on-file and no change of address
FMCI5 or more credit inquiries in the last 14 days
SPNASame SSN phone or name and address seen more than 3 times in last 7 days
STUTMore than 3 unique trades with same SSN in last 28 days
PFUTMore than 4 unique tradelines with same phone number in last 90 days
NADPGreater than 50% of tradelines in last 90 days have same name and address but different phone occurred in last 7 days
IENMNo match to any IEN repository records
IENKNo search keys generated for IEN
AALLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the provided name or SSN as nonsense
ABLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the provided SSN being a randomly issued SSN
ABMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the provided SSN being a randomly issued SSN
ACLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the provided SSN belonging to another person not yet credit active
ACMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the provided SSN belonging to another person not yet credit active
ADLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s validation of the consumer’s address history
ADMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s validation of the consumer’s address history
AELLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s validation of the consumer’s DOB
AEMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s validation of the consumer’s DOB
AFLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s validation of the consumer’s phone history
AFMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s validation of the consumer’s phone history
AGLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer being tied to an ITIN
AGMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer being tied to an ITIN
AHLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the supplied information corresponding to a deceased individual
AHMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the supplied information corresponding to a deceased individual
AILLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the SSN being tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
AIMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the SSN being tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
AJLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer being tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud
AJMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer being tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud
AKLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the depth of the consumer’s history with this information
AKMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the depth of the consumer’s history with this information
ALLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer’s history start time aligning with the expected record start time
ALMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer’s history start time aligning with the expected record start time
AMLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer being tied to fraud code records
AMMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer being tied to fraud code records
ANLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of there being a better owner for the SSN
AOLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer appearing to have a better SSN
AOMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the consumer appearing to have a better SSN
APLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records
APMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records
AQLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications match aspects of this application’s information
AQMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications match aspects of this application’s information
ARLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to
ARMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to
ASLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies
ASMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies
ATLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes
ATMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes
AULLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate
AUMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate
AVLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
AVMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
AWLLow risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
AWMHigh risk Abuse Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
FALLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense
FAMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense
FBLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN
FBMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN
FCLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ
FCMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ
FDLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s address history
FDMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s address history
FELLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s DOB
FFLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer’s history
FFMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer’s history
FGLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN
FGMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN
FHLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual
FHMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual
FILLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
FIMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
FJLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud
FJMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud
FKLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the depth of the consumer’s history with this information
FKMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the depth of the consumer’s history with this information
FLLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the start time of the consumer’s history aligns with the expected start time
FLMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the start time of the consumer’s history aligns with the expected start time
FMLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records
FMMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records
FNLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN
FNMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN
FOLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN
FOMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN
FPLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records
FPMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records
FQLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications in SentiLink’s system match aspects of this application’s information
FQMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications in SentiLink’s system match aspects of this application’s information
FRLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to
FRMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to
FSLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies
FSMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies
FTLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes
FTMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes
FULLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate
FUMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate
FVLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
FVMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
FWLLow risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
FWMHigh risk First Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
IAALLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the email
IAAMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the email
IABLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the application information contains a mix of information from different consumers
IABMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the application information contains a mix of information from different consumers
IACLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether there is unusual geographic activity associated with the phone number
IACMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether there is unusual geographic activity associated with the phone number
IADLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the phone
IADMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the applicant appears to be the best owner of the phone
IAELLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the number of recent applications associated with the phone
IAEMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the number of recent applications associated with the phone
IAFLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the application’s IP address is from a risky VPN
IAFMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the application’s IP address is from a risky VPN
IAGLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the IP address aligns with the applicant’s physical address history
IAGMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the IP address aligns with the applicant’s physical address history
IAHLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the applicant has a suspicious gap in history
IAHMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the applicant has a suspicious gap in history
IAILLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the length of history of the email
IAIMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the length of history of the email
IAJLLow risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the IP address has had suspicious application activity.
IAJMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the IP address has had suspicious application activity.
IAKLLow risk ID Theft Score based on Whether application information is tied to an associate.
IAKMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on Whether application information is tied to an associate.
IALLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense
IALLLow risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the IP address belongs to a risky ISP, mobile carrier etc.
IALMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the IP address belongs to a risky ISP, mobile carrier etc.
IAMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense
IELLow risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s DOB.
IEMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s DOB.
IHLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual
IHMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual
IILLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
IIMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
IKLLow risk ID Theft Score based on The depth of the consumer’s history with this information.
IKMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on The depth of the consumer’s history with this information.
IMLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records
IMMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records
INLLow risk ID Theft Score based on Whether there is a better owner for the SSN.
IOLLow risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN.
IOMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on Whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN.
IPLLow risk ID Theft Score based on How well the supplied information matches Manifest records.
IPMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on How well the supplied information matches Manifest records.
IQLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications in SentiLink’s system match aspects of this application’s information
IQMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications in SentiLink’s system match aspects of this application’s information
IVLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
IVMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
IWLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
IWMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
IXLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how consistent the address is with the consumer’s history
IXMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how consistent the address is with the consumer’s history
IYLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the address has a high velocity of applications
IYMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the address has a high velocity of applications
IZLLow risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email has had suspicious application activity
IZMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email has had suspicious application activity
SINMHigh risk ID Theft Score based on Whether there is a better owner for the SSN.
STDLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s address history
STDMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s address history
STILLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
STIMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN is tied to a clump of SSNs empirically used for fraud
STKLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the depth of the consumer’s history with this information
STKMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of the depth of the consumer’s history with this information
STWLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
STWMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the email domain or structure of the handle are suspicious
TALLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense
TAMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied name or SSN is nonsense
TBLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN
TBMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN is a randomly issued SSN
TCLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ
TCMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN might belong to another person not yet credit activ
TELLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s DOB
TEMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied SSN aligns with the consumer’s DOB
TFLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer’s history
TFMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the phone aligns with the consumer’s history
TGLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN
TGMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to an ITIN
THLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual
THMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether any of the supplied information corresponds to a deceased individual
TJLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud
TJMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to addresses linked to synthetic fraud
TLLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the start time of the consumer’s history aligns with the expected start time
TLMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the start time of the consumer’s history aligns with the expected start time
TMLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records
TMMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to fraud code records
TNLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN
TNMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether there is a better owner for the SSN
TOLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN
TOMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer appears to have a better SSN
TPLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records
TPMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of how well the supplied information matches Manifest records
TQLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications in SentiLink’s system match aspects of this application’s information
TQMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether other applications in SentiLink’s system match aspects of this application’s information
TRLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to
TRMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of attributes of addresses that the consumer is tied to
TSLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies
TSMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether aspects of the supplied PII correspond to bankruptcies
TTLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes
TTMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the consumer is tied to security freezes
TULLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate
TUMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the SSN might belong to an associate
TVLLow risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
TVMHigh risk Third Party Score based on our TaxID data provider’s categorization of whether the supplied phone number corresponds to a risky carrier or line type
UILThe location of issuance of the TaxID is returned as ‘random’ from the TaxID enrichment provider.
TSNMtaxId check was not performed due to missing SSN
TIVZtaxId check was not performed due to invalid zip code
TIVStaxId check was not performed due to invalid SSN
TIVPtaxId check was not performed due to invalid phone
TIVEtaxId check was not performed due to invalid email
TIVDtaxId check was not performed due to invalid dob
TIVRtaxId check was not performed due to invalid request
SFVFacta fraud victim initial alert. Active for 90 days
SFXFacta Fraud victim extended alert. Active for 7 years
SFQFacta Active Duty Alert with Fraud victim - initial alert. Active for 90 days.
SFWFacta Active Duty Alert with Fraud victim. Active for 1 year
SFNFacta Active Duty alert. Active for one year

CryptoAML Codes

EXCThis address has been tied to an exchange
CUSThis address has been tied to a custodian
CATMThis address has been tied to an atm
MERThis address has been tied to a merchant
PRORThis address has been tied to a processor
MARKThis address has been tied to a market
SERThis address has been tied to a service
WEBThis address has been tied to a website
DONThis address has been tied to a donation
FORThis address has been tied to a forum
USERAddress associated with Online Username Reselling
PERThis address has been tied to a person
AUCThis address has been tied to a auction
LAWThis address has been tied to law_enforcement
BURNThis address has been tied to burning
ICOThis address has been tied to ico
TOKThis address has been tied to a token
EQYThis address has been tied to a equity
SECThis address has been tied to security
UTYThis address has been tied to utility
DAPPThis address has been tied to dapp
GAMEThis address has been tied to gaming
MINEAddress associated with Mining
POOLThis address has been tied to a pool
FAUTThis address has been tied to a faucet
FIATThis address has been tied to a fiat
KYCThis address has been tied to kyc
NKYCThis address has been tied to nokyc
GAMBAddress associated with Gambling Service
MIXAddress associated with Mixer
SCAMAddress associated with scam
THEFThis address has been tied to a theft
RSOMAddress associated with Ransomware
MALWAddress associated with Malware
ILGLAddress associated with Illicit Goods and Services
DARKAddress associated with Darknet Market
TERRThis address has been tied to terrorism
WEAPAddress/Wallet related to weapons trafficking
CSAMAddress associated with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
OFACThis address has been tied to the OFAC list
LAUNThis address has been tied to money laundering
EXTNAddress associated with Extortion / Blackmail
TERRFNAddress associated with Terrorist Financing
BANAddress associated with Banned or Controlled Substances
ADLTAddress associated with Adult Content
VLNTAddress associated with Violent Extremism
HREXCAddress associated with High-Risk Exchange
LENDAddress associated with Lending Service
P2PAddress associated with P2P Crypto Marketplace
SANCTAddress associated with Sanctions
GAMB_CPAddress previously transacted with Gambling Service
MIX_CPAddress previously transacted with Mixer
LEND_CPAddress previously transacted with Lending Service
DARK_CPAddress previously transacted with Darknet Market
SANCT_CPAddress previously transacted with Sanctions
SCAM_CPAddress previously transacted with Scam
EXTN_CPAddress previously transacted with Extortion / Blackmail
HREXC_CPAddress previously transacted with High-Risk Exchange
RSOM_CPAddress previously transacted with Ransomware
HRDAPP_CPAddress previously transacted with High-Risk dApp
HACKED_CPAddress previously transacted with Hacked or Stolen Funds
TF_CPAddress previously transacted with Terrorist Financing
BAN_CPAddress previously transacted with Banned or Controlled Substances
ILGL_CPAddress previously transacted with Illicit Goods and Services
ADLT_CPAddress previously transacted with Adult Content
VLNT_CPAddress previously transacted with Violent Extremism
P2P_CPAddress previously transacted with P2P Crypto Marketplace
FILE_CPAddress previously transacted with Decentralized File Sharing Service
DEEX_CPAddress previously transacted with Decentralized Exchange
CASH_CPAddress previously transacted with Cash-to-Crypto
DEMARK_CPAddress previously transacted with Decentralized Marketplace
NCEX_CPAddress previously transacted with Non-Custodial Exchange
SPTBET_CPAddress previously transacted with Sports Betting
DEGAMB_CPAddress previously transacted with Decentralized Gambling Service
USER_CPAddress previously transacted with Online Username Reselling
HACKER_CPAddress previously transacted with Known Hacker Group
HTR_CPAddress previously transacted with Human Trafficking
SXPN_CPAddress previously transacted with Sexual Exploitation
CSAMVDR_CPAddress previously transacted with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Vendor
CSAMCSM_CPAddress previously transacted with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Consumer
CSAM_CPAddress previously transacted with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
PRST_CPAddress previously transacted with Escort Service / Prostitution
CARDPII_CPAddress previously transacted with Carding / PII Shop
CYCR_CPAddress previously transacted with Cybercrime Services
CTFT_CPAddress previously transacted with Counterfeit Goods
PRCY_CPAddress previously transacted with Piracy
MLMSCH_CPAddress previously transacted with Multi-Level Marketing Scheme
HYISCH_CPAddress previously transacted with High Yield Investment Scheme
PZISCH_CPAddress previously transacted with Ponzi Scheme
INVSTSCH_CPAddress previously transacted with Investment Scheme
DEINVSTSCH_CPAddress previously transacted with Decentralized Investment Scheme
MALW_CPAddress previously transacted with Malware
IMPT_CPAddress previously transacted with Imposter Site or Service
ICOSCAM_CPAddress previously transacted with ICO Scam
PEP_CPAddress previously transacted with Politically Exposed Person
SCAMSCAM_CPAddress previously transacted with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Scam
INVSTFRAUD_CPAddress previously transacted with Investment Fraud
DEINVSTFRAUD_CPAddress previously transacted with Decentralized Investment Fraud
HRDAPPAddress associated with High-Risk dApp
HACKEDAddress associated with Hacked or Stolen Funds
PEEL_BHInvolved in a Peeling Chain
BNTREE_BHPart of a Binary Tree transaction
MSSREG_BHInvolved in Mass Registration
CNJN_BHInvolved in a CoinJoin-like transaction
WBFLW_BHPart of a Web Flow transaction
EXTNCMMDST_BHPart of a Extortion with Common Destination transaction
PEELCMMDST_BHPart of a Peeling Chain with Common Destination transaction
UNQTRTXN_BHPart of a unique trail of transactions
FILEAddress associated with Decentralized File Sharing Service
DEEXAddress associated with Decentralized Exchange
CASHAddress associated with Cash-to-Crypto
DEMARKAddress associated with Decentralized Marketplace
NCEXAddress associated with Non-Custodial Exchange
SPTBETAddress associated with Sports Betting
DEGAMBAddress associated with Decentralized Gambling Service
HACKERAddress associated with Known Hacker Group
HTRAddress associated with Human Trafficking
SXPNAddress associated with Sexual Exploitation
CSAMVDRAddress associated with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Vendor
CSAMCSMAddress associated with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Consumer
PRSTAddress associated with Escort Service / Prostitution
CARDPIIAddress associated with Carding / PII Shop
CYCRAddress associated with Cybercrime Services
CTFTAddress associated with Counterfeit Goods
PRCYAddress associated with Piracy
MLMSCHAddress associated with Multi-Level Marketing Scheme
HYISCHAddress associated with High Yield Investment Scheme
PZISCHAddress associated with Ponzi Scheme
INVSTSCHAddress associated with Investment Scheme
DEINVSTSCHAddress associated with Decentralized Investment Scheme
IMPTAddress associated with Imposter Site or Service
ICOSCAMAddress associated with ICO Scam
PEPAddress associated with Politically Exposed Person
MINE_CPAddress previously transacted with Mining
SCAMSCAMAddress associated with Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Scam
INVSTFRAUDAddress associated with Investment Fraud
DEINVSTFRAUDAddress associated with Decentralized Investment Fraud
ADLT_INAddress has indirect exposure to Adult Content
FILE_INAddress has indirect exposure to Decentralized File Sharing Service
HRDAPP_INAddress has indirect exposure to High-Risk dApp
DEEX_INAddress has indirect exposure to Decentralized Exchange
P2P_INAddress has indirect exposure to P2P Crypto Marketplace
CASH_INAddress has indirect exposure to Cash-to-Crypto
HREXC_INAddress has indirect exposure to High-Risk Exchange
DEMARK_INAddress has indirect exposure to Decentralized Marketplace
NCEX_INAddress has indirect exposure to Non-Custodial Exchange
LEND_INAddress has indirect exposure to Lending Service
GAMB_INAddress has indirect exposure to Gambling Service
SPTBET_INAddress has indirect exposure to Sports Betting
DEGAMB_INAddress has indirect exposure to Decentralized Gambling
USER_INAddress has indirect exposure to Online Username Reselling
HACKED_INAddress has indirect exposure to Hacked or Stolen Funds
HACKER_INAddress has indirect exposure to Known Hacker Group
HTR_INAddress has indirect exposure to Human Trafficking
SXPN_INAddress has indirect exposure to Sexual Exploitation
CSAMVDR_INAddress has indirect exposure to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Vendor
CSAMCSM_INAddress has indirect exposure to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Consumer
CSAM_INAddress has indirect exposure to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
TERRFN_INAddress has indirect exposure to Terrorist Financing
VLNT_INAddress has indirect exposure to Violent Extremism
PRST_INAddress has indirect exposure to Escort Service / Prostitution
CARDPII_INAddress has indirect exposure to Carding / PII Shop
CYCR_INAddress has indirect exposure to Cybercrime Services
DARK_INAddress has indirect exposure to Darknet Market
BAN_INAddress has indirect exposure to Banned or Controlled Substances
CTFT_INAddress has indirect exposure to Counterfeit Goods
PRCY_INAddress has indirect exposure to Piracy
ILGL_INAddress has indirect exposure to Illicit Goods and Services
MLMSCH_INAddress has indirect exposure to Multi-Level Marketing Scheme
HYISCH_INAddress has indirect exposure to High Yield Investment Scheme
PZISCH_INAddress has indirect exposure to Ponzi Scheme
INVSTSCH_INAddress has indirect exposure to Investment Scheme
DEINVSTSCH_INAddress has indirect exposure to Decentralized Investment Scheme
MALW_INAddress has indirect exposure to Malware
RSOM_INAddress has indirect exposure to Ransomware
IMPT_INAddress has indirect exposure to Imposter Site or Service
SCAM_INAddress has indirect exposure to Scam
EXTN_INAddress has indirect exposure to Extortion / Blackmail
ICOSCAM_INAddress has indirect exposure to ICO Scam
MINE_INAddress has indirect exposure to Mining
MIX_INAddress has indirect exposure to Mixer
PEP_INAddress has indirect exposure to Politically Exposed Person
SANCT_INAddress has indirect exposure to Sanctions
SCAMSCAM_INAddress has indirect exposure to Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) Scam
INVSTFRAUD_INAddress has indirect exposure to Investment Fraud
DEINVSTFRAUD_INAddress has indirect exposure to Decentralized Investment Fraud
SPMSAddress associated with Special Measures
SPMS_CPAddress associated with Special Measures
SPMS_INAddress has indirect exposure to Special Measures
BLOCKAddress associated with Blocklisted
BLOCK_CPAddress previously transacted with Blocklisted
BLOCK_INAddress has indirect exposure to Blocklisted
COMCPLTAddress associated with Community Complaint
COMCPLT_CPAddress associated with Community Complaint
COMCPLT_INAddress has indirect exposure to Community Complaint

Blocklist & Allowlist Codes

AEAEmail is in allowlist
ADEDevice is in allowlist
AUSUser is in allowlist
APHPhone is in allowlist
ARCReferral code is in allowlist
AMIMerchant ID is in allowlist
AROLow risk because of rule override
ALWSession is given low risk because of allowlist
ALWRRule is in allowlist
BLSTSession is Blocklisted and give very_high risk
BNSFSession is Blocklisted due to a NSF
BFFBSession is Blocklisted due to fraud feedback
BLUSUser is in the blocklist
BLDEDevice is in the blocklist
BLEAEmail Address is in the blocklist
BLEDEmail domain is in the blocklist
BLPHPhone is in the blocklist
BLTATax ID is in the blocklist
BLDANDAN is in the blocklist
BLDBINDAN BIN is in the blocklist
BLCACard hash is in the blocklist
BLCIDCard ID is in the blocklist
BLBABank account is in the blocklist
BLDIPDevice IP is in the blocklist
BLDIDDocument ID is in the blocklist
BLCRCrypto address is in the blocklist
BLRCRRecipient crypto address is in the blocklist
BLPIDPartner ID is in the blocklist
BLIBANIBAN is in the blocklist
BLSOSort code is in the blocklist

AML Category Codes

SABUAbuse (Domestic, Elder, Child)
SASTAssault, Battery
SBLKFirm Specific Block List
SBRBBribery, Graft, Kickbacks, Political Corruption
SBUSBusiness Crimes (Antitrust, Bankruptcy, Price Fixing)
SCFTCounterfeiting, Forgery
SCONConspiracy (No specific crime named)
SCPRCopyright Infringement (Intellectual Property, Electronic Piracy)
SCYBComputer Related, Cyber Crime
SDENDenied Entity
SDPSPossession of Drugs or Drug Paraphernalia
SDTFTrafficking or Distribution of Drugs
SENVEnvironmental Crimes (Poaching, Illegal Logging, Animal Cruelty
SFARForeign Agent Registration Act
SFOSFormer Sanctions List
SFRDFraud, Scams, Swindles
SFUGEscape, Fugitive
SGAMIllegal Gambling
SHCDHealth Care Disciplines
SHUMHuman rights, Genocide, War crimes
SIGNPossession or Sale of Guns, Weapons and Explosives
SIMPIdentity Theft, Impersonation
SIPRIllegal Prostitution, Promoting Illegal Prostitution
SIRCIran Connect
SKIDKidnapping, Abduction, Held Against Will
SLMDLegal Marijuana Dispensary
SLNSLoan Sharking, Usury, Predatory Lending
SMLAMoney Laundering
SMORMortgage Related
SMSBMoney Services Business
SMURMurder, Manslaughter (Committed, Planned or Attempted)
SNSCNon Specific Crime
SOBSObscenity Related, Child Pornography
SORGOrganized Crime, Criminal Association, Racketeering
SPEPPerson Political
SPRJFalse Filings, False Statements, Perjury, Obstruction of Justice
SPSPPossession of Stolen Property
SREGRegulatory Action
SRESReal Estate Actions
SROBRobbery (Stealing by Threat, Use of Force)
SSECSEC Violations (Insider Trading, Securities Fraud)
SSEXSex Offenses (Rape, Sodomy, Sexual Abuse, Pedophilia)
SSMGSmuggling (Does not include Drugs, Money, People or Guns)
SSNXSanctions Connect
SSPYEspionage, Spying, Treason
STAXTax Related Offenses
STERTerrorist Related
STFTTheft (Larceny, Misappropriation, Embezzlement, Extortion)
STRFPeople Trafficking, Organ Trafficking
SWLTWatch List

AML Subcategory Codes

SACQAcquit, Not Guilty
SACTDisciplinary, Regulatory Action
SASCAssociated with, Seen with
SCMPComplaint Filed
SCVTConvict, Conviction
SFILFine - Less than $10,000
SFIMFine - More than $10,000
SGOVGovernment Official
SINDIndict, Indictment
SLICLicensing Action
SRVKRevoked Registration
SSETSettlement or Suit
SSJTServed Jail Time

Other Codes

ONMNo match
OMFNOFull name match only
OMSSNOMatch to SSN only
OMNSSNMatch to name and SSN
OMNDOBMatch to name and DOB
OMNYOBMatch to name and YOB
OMNSSNDOBMatch to Name SSN and DOB
OMNSSNYOBMatch to Name SSN and YOB
OMCNMatch on company name
OMCAMatch on company Address
OMCNAMatch on company name and address
OMSFNmatch to Surname and First name
STOSardine internal timeout. Risk assessment defaulted to medium risk level.
SITOSardine partial internal timeout. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to timeout.
SVTOSardine data provider timed out. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to timeout.
SVERError from data provider. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to error.
SSFDSanction Screening Failed to complete. Recommend Retrying again.
SPERError from phone enrichment provider. This might include error due to invalid input. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to error.
STERRError from taxID enrichment provider. This might include error due to invalid input. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to error.
SCSERError from crypto wallet screening provider. This might include error due to invalid input. Some risk assessment features might be limited due to error.
SDRRisky device or behaviour signals detected

Address Codes

AE1Both parsed and postal address parameters provided, postal address parameters ignored
AE2Historical resident matched
AE3Invalid Input
AE4Input postal code was corrected. Potential impact to AVS code.
AE5Input postal code was corrected
AE6State, Country Validated
AE7Country Validated
AE8Street, Postcode, City, Country Validated. Premise not validated
AE9Resident not found at address
AE10Missing country_code
AE11Partial Address
AE12Invalid house/building number
AE13Missing Input
AE14Input state corrected
AE15Not Found
AL1The address is deliverable, but the secondary unit information is unnecessary.
AL2The address is deliverable to the building’s default address but the secondary unit provided may not exist. There is a chance the mail will not reach the intended recipient.
AL3The address is deliverable to the building’s default address but is missing secondary unit information. There is a chance the mail will not reach the intended recipient.
AL4The address is not deliverable according to the USPS.
AL5Invalid address
AL6Tracking data indicates that over 70% of mailpieces sent to this address were delivered successfully and recent mailings were also successful.
AL7Tracking data indicates that over between 40% and 70% of mailpieces sent to this address were delivered successfully.
AL8Tracking data indicates that over less than 40% of mailpieces sent to this address were delivered successfully and recent mailings weren’t successful.
AL9No tracking data exists for this address or lob deliverability was unable to find a corresponding level of mail success.
LV4Verified. The input data is correct.
LV3Verified. The input data is correct. All input data was able to match in databases after some or all elements were standardized.
LV2Verified. The input data is correct although some input data is unverifiable due to incomplete data
LV1Verified. The input data is acceptable but in an attempt to standardize user input errors were introduced.
LF4Fixed. The input data is matched and fixed. (Example: Brighon - UK -> Brighton - UK)
LF3Fixed. The input data is matched and fixed but some elements such as Sub-building number and house number cannot be checked
LF2Fixed. The input data is matched but some elements such as Street cannot be checked.
LF1Fixed. The input data is acceptable but errors were introduced in an attempt to standardize user input.
LM4Missing Info. The input data cannot be corrected completely.
LM3Missing Info. The input data cannot be corrected completely and there were multiple matches found in databases.
LM2Missing Info. The input data cannot be corrected completely and only some elements were found.
LU1Unverified. The input data cannot be corrected or matched.

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